Blackberry desire to grow finally born idea to bring for operating system Blackberry Messenger mobile besides Blackberry. After a hot topic finally Blackberry launching applications fuel for Android in Beta version officially.
It is Indeed the launch fuel for Android Beta version was launched only to tasted by some people. Previously, in the last several months indeed Blackberry is giving blow with an opportunity for everyone to be a user first tasted applications Blackberry Messenger to Android and ios.
Users are invited to fill biographical data to Blackberry , and only a few people to return to test applications fuel for Android Beta version. Related to fuel for Android beta, the application is confirmed to be running in Android 4.0 (ICS) to the top. In screen shot that there is a view if the user can sign in with use Blackberry ID.
Blackberry ID is a compulsory ID for the user Blackberry , where by using ID was users can explore application and thousands games are available in Blackberry World. While for users fuel for Android can make a lengsung Blackberry new IDs are displayed per page welcome screen applications fuel for Android.
Before it was rumored that that is found application fuel for Android false that has been robbed more than 100,000 users Android in all over the world.
It is Indeed the launch fuel for Android Beta version was launched only to tasted by some people. Previously, in the last several months indeed Blackberry is giving blow with an opportunity for everyone to be a user first tasted applications Blackberry Messenger to Android and ios.
Users are invited to fill biographical data to Blackberry , and only a few people to return to test applications fuel for Android Beta version. Related to fuel for Android beta, the application is confirmed to be running in Android 4.0 (ICS) to the top. In screen shot that there is a view if the user can sign in with use Blackberry ID.
Blackberry ID is a compulsory ID for the user Blackberry , where by using ID was users can explore application and thousands games are available in Blackberry World. While for users fuel for Android can make a lengsung Blackberry new IDs are displayed per page welcome screen applications fuel for Android.
Before it was rumored that that is found application fuel for Android false that has been robbed more than 100,000 users Android in all over the world.
Download Fuel for Android Beta Version Finally Launched Officially
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Published :2013-08-04T10:10:00+07:00
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