Lg Optimus P999 G2x with Google Unlocked Dual Core. This high-end Android smartphone sports a Tegra dual-core processor, 4-inch display, 8-megapixel camera, and stylish glass-and-metal design. Other features include front-facing camera, 8 GB of memory plus memory card slot, and video output via HDMI or DLNA.
You can to buy phone LG P999 Optimus G2x with Google Unlocked Dual Core in amazon with price $206.99, if you has a passion to please click here.
Spesifications LG P999 Optimus G2x
- Dual-core phone, the 4G-capable T-Mobile G2x with Google.
- Paired with 512 MB RAM and a vanilla version of Android.
- The G2x is the ultimate mobile gaming device.
- The dual-core Nvidia Tegra 2 delivers a fast Web browsing experience, smooth game play.
- The G2x sports a large 4" touch screen with 480x800 resolution.
- Size (LWH): 0.4 inches, 2.5 inches, 4.9 inches
- Weight: 15.84 ounces
You can to buy phone LG P999 Optimus G2x with Google Unlocked Dual Core in amazon with price $206.99, if you has a passion to please click here.
Download LG P999 Optimus G2x with Google Unlocked Dual Core Review
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Published :2013-07-18T11:42:00+07:00
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